
Mealworms in the Media — and as Your Main Course


We may not be ready to fire up the grill, but we can dream of long, warm sunny days. Spring is just around the corner! In the meantime, pull up a chair and read about these newsworthy mealworms. Bugs are saving the world… again. Don’t forget to grab your cookbook, too. Pass the mustardChubby Mealworms gets rave reviews from furry, feathered and finned customers. But raising mealworms is good for the planet. Mealworms require minimal resources and they are easy...

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Why Choose Chubby?


Why Choose Chubby? Welcome to Chubby Mealworm’s blog. We are thrilled to have you onboard and we can’t wait to show you all the great uses for our mealworms. That walks us back to the question “Why Chubby?” Well…let’s find out! Quality This is important. You want the best and safest treats for your pets and backyard songbirds. Our worms are only non-GMO, 100% vegetarian fed. Organic poultry keepers are assured of a great treat for their birds – and...

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