
3 Reasons for Raising Chickens


Chubby Mealworms knows why so many people are raising chickens. It’s no secret – raising chickens is a fulfilling and exciting hobby. Here is what long-time chicken keepers want you to know! Chicken keeping is easy With over 300 breeds of chickens to choose from, finding your favorite is the hardest part of the hobby. Unlike choosing a dog, you don’t have to worry about unusual personality quirks, shedding or unpleasant behaviors like barking, biting, or tearing up the furniture....

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The Chubby Mealworm’s Guide for a Comfy Coop


Are you planning for chickens this spring, or do you already have some fowl and they want a housing upgrade? The biggest mistake people make when considering a coop is – size. There really is no such thing as too big! Anyone who has bought a small coop regrets it within a few months…if not sooner. The minimum size coop you should ever contemplate designing is 6x6. This will comfortably house a few birds and allow you access for daily...

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